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Vietnamese Massage - 60 Minutes

Soothe your senses with a Vietnamese massage

1 gi
349.000 đồng Việt Nam
Lac Long Quan Street Block Ha My Dong A, Dien Duong, Hoi An

Mô tả dịch vụ

The ancient art of Vietnamese massage at the Healing Spa. This traditional technique involves the use of manual techniques to relax the body and mind, promoting circulation and easing muscle tension. Treat yourself to a truly rejuvenating experience.

Chi tiết liên hệ

+84 07 7317 2948

Hà My Đông A, Kp Hà My Đông a, Điện Dương, Điện Bàn, Quảng Nam, Vietnam


500 Terry Francine Street, Tầng 6, San Francisco, CA 94158

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