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Hot Stone Therapy with Thai - 90 Minutes

Heated stones melt away stress and tension

1시 30분
695,000 베트남 동
Loc Long Quan Street Block Ha My Dong A, Dien Duong, 호이안

서비스 내용

Experience the deeply relaxing and therapeutic benefits of hot stone therapy at the Healing Spa. Smooth, heated stones are placed on specific points on your body to ease tension and promote relaxation.

연락처 정보

  • Hà My Đông A, Kp Hà My Đông a, Điện Dương, Điện Bàn, Quảng Nam, Vietnam

    +84 07 7317 2948

+84 07 6984 0199

+84 07 7317 2948

락롱콴 스트리트

블록 하 미 동 아,


호이안 베트남

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