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Herbal Therapy - 90 Minutes

Relax and rejuvenate with a Swedish massage experience

1시 30분
515,000 베트남 동
Loc Long Quan Street Block Ha My Dong A, Dien Duong, 호이안

서비스 내용

Indulge in a relaxing Swedish massage at the Healing Spa. Our skilled therapists will help you unwind and destress with long, gliding strokes that improve blood circulation and promote overall relaxation.

연락처 정보

  • Hà My Đông A, Kp Hà My Đông a, Điện Dương, Điện Bàn, Quảng Nam, Vietnam

    +84 07 7317 2948

+84 07 6984 0199

+84 07 7317 2948

락롱콴 스트리트

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호이안 베트남

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